10 Different Uses For Ice

uses for ice

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We all know that fresh ice is the perfect way to cool down all of our favorite drinks. We even know that ice use can help soothe an injury or sore muscles. What most people don’t realize is the versatility of ice for a variety of different uses. Want to know about the true hidden powers of ice? Check out these ten different uses for ice!

1.  Easy Plant Watering

Have you ever struggled to water a hanging plant that always seems to be just out of reach of your watering can? To make watering easier, you can simply add a handful of ice cubes to the top of the pot!

The cubes will sit neatly out of sight and melt as time goes on, giving your plants a lasting drink without spills, mess, or flooding.

2.  Easier Splinter Removal

It happens to the best of us at least once, a splinter that nags and hurts but won’t easily be removed. The more you try to get the splinter out, the more pain you feel.

Ice applied around the area of the splinter (not directly on it – we want the splinter to stay dry) can help numb the irritated nerves around the splinter. When we are in a bit less pain we can more easily work to remove the offending splinter.

uses for ice

3.  Treating Unwanted Acne

Applying a frozen ice cube on top of small acne flare ups will help to shrink the pores around the acne. When the pores are cold and shrunk they let in less dirt and bacteria to the skin. The chill from the ice also reduces inflammation and irritation caused by acne breakouts.

To apply ice to your acne use a cube wrapped in a thin cloth and press it over your acne spot for up to 1 minute at a time.

4.  Removing Sticky Gum From Carpets and Clothes

When gum is warm it has a soft, sticky texture that makes it a nightmare to clean if it is stuck in carpet fiber, on clothing, or in hair. Don’t waste time trying to remove the soft mess, instead reach for some ice.

Holding ice on top of gum will chill the gum and make it harden. Once hardened, the gum can be scraped, broken down, or cut away from its unwanted place.

5.  Perfectly Reheating Rice

Rice is a base in countless recipes and being able to reheat rice for an office lunch is important. However, rice often dries out as it sits in the fridge and heats in the microwave.

To get reheated rice that is soft and moist simply add an ice cube to the top of your rice before reheating. As the rice heats, the ice will melt down just enough to provide your rice with the water it needs to be soft and fluffy once again.

6.  Skim Extra Fat Off Soups and Stews

Excess fat can be a nuisance in kitchen stews. For easy removal, simply place a few cubes in a metal ladle and slowly drag the ladle through the stop of your stew.

The ice in the ladle makes the metal extra cold. As the extra cold metal slips across the fat it will harden and stick to the ladle in a thin layer. You can then remove the ladle and wipe away the fat. This can be repeated until you have the perfect soup for your supper.

uses for ice

7.  Say Goodbye To Carpet Dents

If you have ever moved a piece of furniture from its carpet resting spot, you know how unsightly the dents it leaves behind can be.

To help remove these dents in plush carpet you can place 1-3 ice cubes along the dent and allow them to melt. As they melt the carpet will absorb some of the liquid and begin to expand and soften.

Once the ice is melted, rub at the spot with a soft cloth and your dents will begin to disappear.

8.  Clothing Stain Removal

Cold water is known for preventing the setting of food and other stains on clothes. However, we don’t always want to get soaked in an attempt to prevent a small stain.

Using an ice cube on small stain spots helps us to be able to target specific areas with cold water. Rub the ice cube over the stain spot, then dab the spot with a napkin or clean cloth, and repeat as needed to see the stain lift right before your eyes.

9.  Tongue Numbing Before Taking Medicines

It isn’t just kids who struggle with bad tasting liquid medicines. Ice can help make staying healthy easier by being placed on the tongue before attempting to swallow unsavory medicines.

Sucking on an ice cube numbs the tongue and dulls the sensitivity of your taste buds. Suck on one cube just until numbness and then immediately take your medicine.

10. Give Your Eyes A Rest

We are spending more time than ever straining our eyes in front of computer screens and cell phones. Sometimes, our eyes just need a good rest.

By taking ice wrapped in a cloth and placing it over our eyes we can reduce inflammation, awaken our senses, and help our eyes to truly get some rest. You will notice that ice helps shrink under eye bags or marks and keeps you looking fresh for the rest of your day.