How to Pick the Right Ice Storage Bin


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Ice machines are necessities for many people and businesses. These handy machines keep our drinks cold, whether using the ice maker in our home or putting a large commercial ice machine to good use in our business. 

When you choose a new commercial ice machine, you might think that all you need to worry about is the ice maker features itself. However, you should also put quite a bit of thought into the ice storage bin that works along with the machine. The storage bin is the compartment that holds all the ice after the ice maker produces it. This storage area is an important part of the overall ice machine and a part of the ice maker that should be the right size.

As soon as the ice fills up in the bin and hits a certain point, the collecting ice will hit the shut-off switch. In reality, an ice bin only reaches its maximum fill level at around 80%. This is due to the fact that the ice that falls into the bin creates a pile and the top of the pile will hit the turn-off switch before the entire bin is full.

What Does the Ice Storage Bin Look Like?

Foster Ice Maker with Storage Bin
Foster Ice Maker with Storage Bin

The storage bin is the part of the ice maker that stores the ice after it’s made. Every storage bin has a maximum capacity, so you know exactly how much ice your bin can handle. The bin is usually a square or rectangle shaped structure that catches the ice once it’s made. This compartment sits within the ice maker and is an important part of the overall machine.

Why Is the Storage Bin Important?

The storage bin serves quite a few important roles. First, if the ice machine didn’t have a bin, there wouldn’t be a place for the ice to fall into. Also, the ice bin keeps the ice cold until it’s ready for use as the compartment is insulated. The storage bin and ice maker work together to produce and contain fresh, cold ice. 

How to Choose the Right Ice Bin

GSEICE Commercial Ice Maker with Storage Ice Bin
GSEICE Commercial Ice Maker with Storage Ice Bin

In order for your ice machine and commercial ice bin to work in the right way, the two components have to be compatible. In other words, you have to pick the right storage bin to go along with your ice machine. 

Here are some tips to choose the right type of ice storage bin for when you produce ice:

Estimate Average Ice Usage

Before you buy any size bin for your ice machine, consider how much ice you use for beverages. You can estimate this amount by calculating the average ice usage amount that people in your industry use. This provides you with an estimated ice amount and will help you choose the right bin. 

Consider All Uses for Your Ice

You know that the ice will be used for beverages but consider all other uses you’ll find for ice. Do you use ice to keep food bins cold or do you use ice for beer buckets? You may also use ice at different stations throughout your business, such as the various server stations. When you consider these other uses, you can ensure you won’t run out of cold ice when you need it. Plus, you’ll be certain to have enough room in your ice bin to store all the ice you need. 

Note Where the Ice Maker and Bin Will Be Located

You should also consider where your ice makers and ice storage bins are located. If you keep the ice machine in a location that’s a bit warmer, keep in mind that your ice volume may decrease. Therefore, always compensate for this type of volume reduction and make more ice than you think you might need. 

What Happens If You Pick the Wrong Bin?

Hoshizaki Model B-700 Ice Storage Bin
Hoshizaki Model B-700 Ice Storage Bin

When you choose a bin, you want to make sure the ice storage compartment is the right one for your ice machine and your needs. A few things can occur if you pick the wrong ice storage compartment:

  • If your bin is too small: When your ice container storage capacity is too small for the ice maker production, you won’t get as much ice as you should from the machine. After all, why have a large ice machine if you don’t make good use out of it by collecting a generous amount of ice in the bin? Therefore, you should make sure your ice bin isn’t too small for the machine.
  • If your bin is too large: There can also be issues if your ice storage container is too big. When the compartment is too large, you won’t use enough of the ice. When this happens, your ice will melt somewhat because the ice machine is insulated but not refrigerated. This melting will cause the ice cubes to turn into big blocks of ice. And this fact equates with ice that can’t be used and goes to waste, which is a problem.

You want to pick an ice bin that’s the perfect size for your business and that’s not too big or too small. You want to have enough ice to accommodate your daily ice needs. On the other hand, you don’t want to have excess amounts of ice as this will be ice that goes to waste and clogs up the ice bin. 

Find the Best Ice Storage Bin Today

Now’s the time to find the best ice storage bin for your needs. When you start searching for that ideal ice storage compartment to add to your restaurant equipment, you should:

  • Know what type of ice storage compartment you should and shouldn’t get. 
  • Get an estimate of how much ice is needed in your industry.
  • Think of other needs your business will have for ice and factor that into the production and storage amount.
  • Add 30% to your ice production estimates as this amount will accommodate for the various holidays, special events, and busier days at your facility. 
  • Look for the latest deals, such as free shipping, to help your business save some money.

With the previous tips in mind, you’re ready to embark on the search for a new commercial ice bin. The shopping part is easy as long as you do your research to determine what size ice bin your business needs. Taking a little time prior to buying an ice storage compartment will help ensure you pick the right ice storage bin and have all the ice you need without having too much. Once you order your ice compartment, you’re ready to start making and storing ice with ease.


Meta description: When you choose an ice machine, you have to make sure you have the right ice bin. Here’s how to pick the right ice storage bin.